Archive for BEST OF 2025 – JUST PLAIN WEIRD


A case study published in JAMA Cardiology tells of a Florida man who had such high levels of cholesterol that it literally started seeping out of his body. Cardiologists at Tampa General Hospital said the man, in his 40’s, came in complaining about very noticeable “yellowish nodules” emerging from his hands and elbows. About eight months before, the man had switched to the so-called carnivore diet. He ate high amounts of fat. He regularly ate six to nine pounds of cheese, whole sticks of butter, and daily fatty hamburgers. Remarkably, the man reported losing weight and improved mental clarity after he started the diet. But unfortunately, he started leaking cholesterol. Doctors found that his blood cholesterol level exceeded 1,000 milligrams per deciliter, well above the high-normal level of 200. They diagnosed him with xanthelasma. Normally, excess cholesterol is carried away by white blood cells. But when there’s too much cholesterol, the cells form deposits in your body that eventually erupt from the skin. Pictures show the man’s hands with bright yellow cholesterol patches under the skin. Despite the diagnosis, the report does not say what steps, if any, the man took to remedy the situation.
* There you go – a literal butterfingers.
* It’s called the carnivore diet because wolves and lions have easy access to butter, cheese and 90% fat ground beef.
* I bet the guy can cook French fries in his hand just by holding them on a hot day.