More than 100 people in Seoul, Korea, sat on yoga mats last weekend to do absolutely nothing for the annual Space-out competition. The contest is to find out who’s best at zoning out for 90 minutes without falling asleep, checking their phone or talking. The contestants ranged from a child in second grade to people in their 60s. Participants’ heart rates were monitored, while onlookers voted for their 10 favorite contestants. Whoever has the most stable heart rate among those 10 favorites takes home the trophy. The competition was created by an artist who calls herself Woopsyang, who thought that it would be nice for everyone to pause all together at the same place at the same time. This year’s competition in Seoul was won by freelance announcer Kwon So-a, 35, who works multiple jobs, and took home a trophy shaped like the Auguste Rodin sculpture “The Thinker.”
* She also got an automatic seat in the U.S. Congress.
* The trophy’s shaped like “The Thinker” but he’s lying in a hammock.
* Zoning out for 90 minutes. Y’know, like watching golf on TV.
* Our sales department wanted to enter the do-nothing contest, but only amateurs are allowed in.


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