(February, 2017) From the annual Singles in America survey, by dating service, who surveyed more than 5,000 singles:
– 34% of singles have had sex before a first date. According to Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist and chief scientific adviser to Match: “Millennials are very career oriented, so sex before the first date could be a sex interview, where they want to know if they want to spend time with this person.”
– 40% of singles have dated someone they met online.
– The most popular places to meet someone: a bar, the laundromat, the gym.
– Prior to an actual date, 42% of singles said they judge a date by their social media posts.
– Here are the things that matter on your social media posts: quality of pictures, grammar, your teeth and smile, your clothing.
– 75% of singles are turned off if their date answers their phone without any explanation.
– More than 50 percent are turned off by texting during the date.
– 58% don’t want to see your phone face-up on the table during dinner.
– 29% of singles are turned on by actual phone calls, rather than texts.
– Singles don’t like people who have a cracked phone, or an old phone or those who use a clicking sound when typing.
– 71% of men find it attractive when a woman offers to split the bill.
– 65% of men think a woman offers to split the bill in order to be polite. But 78% of women surveyed said they offered to pay because they don’t want to feel obligated for anything. (* You know – like the sex you’ve already had before the date.)
– 90% of men are in favor of a woman making the first move when it comes to kissing and sex.
– 95% of men say it’s OK for a woman to ask for a man’s number.
– 32% of single men admitted to sending a picture of their genitals.
– 90% of women reported they were unaroused by crotch pictures, fellas.
– The #1 turn-on for men? Women who are entrepreneurs.
* Wow! That survey started off unexpectedly.
* Seriously – how do you manage to have sex before a first date?
* A sex interview? Wow. No pressure there.
* What if the interview sex isn’t that great, but you have an amazing phone in brand-new condition?
* Are you allowed to take a phone call during the sex that you’re having before the first date? Is that rude?
* 32% of single men admitted to sending a picture of their genitals. But to be fair, a lot of them were drunk.
* So, according to this, a woman would be aroused by sending a picture of yourself talking on the phone to them.


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