If you’ve ever been so hungry you could eat a horse … you missed your chance. The Cure restaurant in Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania, served horse meat at a special dining event this past Monday. While Secretariat is not on the restaurant’s regular menu, horse tartare was one of the items prepared as part of the restaurant’s Cure’ated Dinner Series, a collaboration with guest chefs. In this case the chefs were Scott Vivian and Nate Middleton, both of Toronto. Canada is not shy about serving horse meat. In fact, the meat came from a sustainable horse farm in Alberta. Like clockwork, horse lovers launched an online petition calling for no horse meat to be served in restaurants across the state. Within hours, the petition had nearly 100 signatures.
* Nay-sayers, all of them.
* So this is what happens to the Kentucky Derby losers.
* In case you’ve ever wondered why we have Italian restaurants, Chinese restaurants, but no Canadian restaurants.
* It was so delicious, the diners left a tip: Lucky Dan in the 8th.
* Maybe next time the Canadian chefs come down, we can hoof it over there.
* “Horse. It’s what’s for dinner.” Doesn’t have the same ring to it.
* Then again, it would get the horses in the races to run faster.
* Just have a booth selling horse meat by the racetrack.
* I’d still rather eat a horse than a dog but maybe that’s just me.
* You know who really approves of eating horse meat? Cows.

CLIP: From Caddyshack, “This steak still has marks from where the jockey was hitting it.”


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