A new survey by personal finance website Bankrate.com claims that 42% wouldn’t date someone with a low credit score. The reason why, according to one responder, “Bad credit could point to deeper issues of irresponsibility. They may be unstable in other areas of their life.”
– Only 6 percent of respondents say it’s something that should be shared within the first few dates.
– Most (74 percent) say it’s OK for a couple not to know each other’s credit scores until after several months of dating or even after they’re engaged.
The two biggest things that can crush your credit score: late payments and high balances. These factors alone make up 65 percent of your FICO score.
A high score effectively means that you have been paying your bills off on time, or only uses a small percentage of their available credit on credit cards. Where do you stand?
– Between 781 and 850 is regarded as excellent credit,
– Between 661 and 780 is considered good credit
– Between 601 and 660 is fair
– Poor credit between 501 and 600
– Bad credit is anything below 500.
* 42% wouldn’t date someone with a low credit score? I can’t believe 42% of the population has a GOOD credit score.
* Another warning sign: When the only thing your date can buy on credit is drugs.
* That’s what’s going to happen eventually, right? The surveillance state is going to take all the mystery out of romance.
* You’ll just get a printout that says, “My data indicate we’d break up in 5 years so I’m dumping you now instead.”
* If you think your credit score is bad now wait until your dating leads to marriage and then that falls apart.


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