A just-released study by flight-comparison Web site Jetcost has determined who you would least like to sit next to on an airplane. The site surveyed 4,950 American adults and found:
– 63 percent wouldn’t want to spend a trip seated next to a person whom they deem obese.
– 49 percent would rather be seated next to a constant talker or someone with a strong political view than an obese person.
– 41 percent said sitting next to a screaming baby or a young child would be the worst.
* A constant talker, someone with a strong political view or someone with a big butt. Pity all the poor people who fly on Air Force One – they’ve got a guy with all three.
* Oh, I see…take the focus off how dreadful the airlines have been lately and turn it back on us.
* Okay, we’re not the perfect passengers. Does that mean we deserve to be beaten up by the airlines?
* Incidentally the airlines objected to obese passengers because it makes it harder to drag them down the aisles.
* I still say the worst passenger to sit next to is a terrorist.


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