An Illinois woman has filed a class action suit against Starbucks for $5 million over the amount of ice the coffee giant uses in its drinks. Stacy Pincus says because of the amount of ice Starbucks uses in their iced beverages, customers often end up with half of the amount of drink that is listed on Starbucks’ menus in fluid ounces. The suit alleges that Starbucks is purposefully tricking customers into paying for more product than what they are provided with. According to the lawsuit: “The word ‘beverage’ is defined as ‘a drinkable liquid.’ Ice is not a ‘beverage’ by definition. Accordingly, Starbucks actually gives the customer much less beverage in the cold drinks they order and pay for.” The suit suggests that Starbucks start using larger cups so that the company can sell the amount of advertised liquid, along with ice. Pincus is suing Starbucks for $5 million and the suit said it is on behalf of any customer who has bought a cold drink at Starbucks within the past 10 years.
* It’s on behalf of them, but Stacy will keep all the money ’cause it was her idea.
* 5 million? It’d take Starbucks all morning to make that much money.
* Don’t look at me. I’m still devastated by Subway’s phony foot-long sandwiches.
* Ice is not a beverage by definition? Oooh, I love it when they get technical.
* Oops – Starbucks’ Nutrition Information says a Grande 16-ounce “Iced Coffee” is 16 “fluid” ounces! She’s got ’em!
* Meh. All Starbucks has to do is add “-ish” to all their menu items. “16-ish ounces.”
* Next up: Stacy wants a refund because of all the air Kraft Foods pumps into “Whipped Cream Cheese.”
* And don’t get her started on cotton candy.


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