Anson Lemmer, 19, is staying in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, with his parents to work over the summer. On June 15, only two days after starting with Uncle Pizza, he was out delivering his last order of the night. When he arrived at the address with a hot pizza, he saw a man turning blue outside of the house. Two other people were with the man — one attempting CPR and one on the phone calling it in. They asked him right away if I knew CPR. Trained in CPR a year ago, Lemmer didn’t think twice about acting. He jumped right in. Lemmer said. “I felt a couple of ribs break. He’s going to wake up with sore ribs.” When EMTs from the Glenwood Fire Department showed up to take over. Lemmer said they shook his hand and thanked him. The man was taken to a hospital, but his name and further details were not available. Said Lemmer, “I left a pizza boy and came back a pizza man.”
* Not even a tip. The thanks you get, huh?
* “Uncle Pizza – your pizza in 30 chest compressions or less.”
* Not eating that pizza probably gave the guy’s heart anouther six months as well.
* He was already a hero but when he dropped that last line it just got better.
* “I left a pizza boy and came back a pizza man”? Drop what you’re doing kid and go into the business. That’s a funny line.
* Usually when a pizza boy becomes a man there’s some sex involved.
* The man ordered a pizza but got the broken ribs instead.


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