An older woman got into trouble on a hiking trail, and a stranger helped her out by carrying her down the mountain. Once a year, Ursula Bannister climbs to the High Rock Lookout near Ashford, Washington, where she scattered her mother’s ashes 23 years ago. Bannister, now 79, usually hikes with a friend up the 3 mile trail, which is fairly steep. This year she went on her own, figuring she’d be fine because she is an experienced hiker. She made it up, but slipped on the way down and broke her leg. Bannister cried out for help, and a stranger came along and called 911. But they were told a search and rescue team would take five hours. Then two young men and a woman came by and offered to carry Bannister to the bottom of the trail. 20-year-old Troy May, a U.S. Air Force Airman, loaded Bannister on his back and, with the help of his fiancé and a friend, carried her most of the way down, with his friend taking over towards the end of the 3-hour journey. Said May, “I really didn’t make much of a decision, I just knew I needed to carry her down if I could.” Once they reached the parking lot, they drove Bannister to Tacoma General Hospital — about two hours away. They waited at the hospital until Bannister’s son arrived. For helping to rescue Bannister, May received an Air Force Achievement Medal.
* And long-term back problems.
* Ursula Bannister slipped and broke her leg. Which wouldn’t have happened if the trail had had … a bannister.
* In some cultures, they would have carried her down and placed her on an iceberg.
* I’m shocked! Troy May is only 20 and he’s engaged? Has he really thought this through?
* Remember – if you’re hiking alone, always take water, a cellphone, and a jetpack.


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