A naked man has been walking around the city of Burlington, Vermont. He was spotted several times in the downtown area. Apparently, it’s legal to be naked in public in Vermont, as long as the person doesn’t disrobe in public or harass anyone. The man identified himself only as Joseph, and said he’s doing it to reinvent his life, to create “a new life vision.” Joseph says, “So, I’m thinking, what are my top three priorities? If I could dream of any kind of life that I want? And yes, going nude in public was one of my top three.”
* But #2 was “ride on a train” and #3 was “learn to play chess.” What the hell, guy?
* Unfortunately, everybody else’s dream life was to never see Joseph walking around naked.
* Maybe he was looking for the Burlington Coat Factory.
* No one’s sure if he’ll be walking nude this week. It depends on the strength of those ‘shrooms he took last week.
* I’d say “Let’s check back with Joseph in six months and see how his new life vision is working out,” but it’ll probably be really sad.


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