For the past five months, the people of Pravia, a town in Spain, have been under siege from flocks of crows attacking their homes and vehicles. The attacks started in May, when the townfolk noticed birds mindlessly flying into their windows repeatedly until the impact caused them to bleed, and things have been getting worse ever since. No one knows exactly why the crows are targeting people’s homes and vehicles, but they are relentless in their attacks, pecking at and flying into windows until they start to bleed. When the attacks first began to occur around Pravia, many local people believed it had something to do with the crows being very protective of their young and keeping humans away through their behavior. But that period has long passed, but the birds remained just as aggressive, if not more so. Some believe that the lack of food and the constant destruction of the crows’ natural habitat have pushed the birds to this extreme behavior.
* Or maybe they’re just jerks.
* The town must be like that Hitchcock movie, The Birdpoops.
* They’ve gone ravin’ mad.
* This has been your life-is-like-a-horror-movie Halloween story of the day.


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