Adam Laxalt is the Republican candidate for governor of Nevada. Twelve of his relatives have signed an op-ed piece in a Reno newspaper opposing him. Laxalt’s relatives criticized the candidate as a “fake” Westerner who was actually raised in Washington, D.C. and moved to Nevada just five years ago.
– They write, “For those of us who were actually raised in Nevada, it’s difficult to hear him continue to falsely claim that he was raised in Nevada or has any true connections to Nevadans. The simple fact is that while he may have been born in Reno, he left as an infant and was raised on the East Coast, in Washington, D.C., and moved here only in 2013, only one year later launching his political career.
– They criticized Laxalt’s “train wreck” performance as a trial lawyer, and ethical concerns during his current stint as attorney general.
– And this: “If he responds to this column at all, it will probably be to say that he hardly knows the people writing this column. And in many ways that would be true. We never had a chance to get to know him, really – he spent his life in Washington, D.C., while we lived in Northern Nevada and grew up in public schools and on public lands. He moved to Nevada in 2013 so that he could lean on the reputation of a family that he hardly knew while tapping into support by donors who had no interest in our state or its people.”
* Or maybe he moved to Nevada for the legal prostitution.
* I wouldn’t plan on saving a place at the Laxalt Thanksgiving table for him this year.
* Wait – they didn’t say whether he was worse than the Democrat candidate or not.
* Moving to a state just to get elected. Where have I heard a carpetbagging story like this before? (*cough* Hillary *cough*)