Two 13-year-old Florida boys were arrested Monday for pulling out a handgun and carjacking a 59-year-old teacher outside an elementary school. Miami-Dade police said the two teens allegedly approached Flora Martinez outside of Biscayne Gardens Elementary School on September 25th. One of the boys pulled out a handgun and demanded Martinez hand over her car keys. Martinez fled to the school while the two teens got into the vehicle and drove off. The boys had trouble backing out of the parking spot – possibly because the parking brake may still have been engaged. Eventually they got the car in drive, but crashed into a curb, prompting the boys to run. They were apprehended soon after.
* This is what happens when lack of funding causes schools to cancel driver’s ed programs.
* Not So Grand Theft Auto.
* So this was the opposite of a getaway car.
* It’s gonna take a LOT of extra credit work to get those grades up after this.

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