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Premiering Monday through Wednesday
This is how we do a list.
Let the beer even flow.
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind.
Eight TV's for your viewing pleasure.
Premiering Thursday through Sunday
Reality is stranger than fiction.
You are not alone, friendo.
Premiering Monday through Wednesday
And, boy, the world can't wait.
It's about time kids learned about a balance sheet.
Headline two words too long.
Now is not the time to open a convenience store in West Virginia.
Don't use the fancy guest towels!
And now he's singin' the blues.
True story - not a crock.
Erin go boom.
Do you really want to come back right now?
Very bad eggs.
Show off.
This has been another edition of MadLibs headline.
Jorge Costanza?
No phone, no lights, no motor car. Not a single luxury.
Sew what?
Not in my experience.
Hey, this pudding tastes like Leaves of Grass.
I wish they could stop me from watching the awful Star Wars spinoffs on Disney+.
Book 'im, Dano.
But how are you feeling?
Then the parents chose a different name.
Let's get physical.
Read, discuss, have listeners vote for the dumbest one.
Starts Friday, March 21 in theaters.
Starts Friday, March 21 in theaters.
Starts Friday, March 21 in limited release.
Starts Friday, March 14 in theaters.
Starts Friday, March 14 in theaters.
Starts Friday, March 14 in theaters.
Starts Friday, March 7 in theaters.
Starts Friday, March 7 in theaters.
The latest promotion from our favorite LUNA-tics.
Everybody sing - you all know the words!
For Friday, March 14.
For Friday, March 14.
Don't be caught drunk on the beach without it.
Pre-produced ready-to-use show bumper donuts
Hurry in for savings - but watch where you step!
Daylight Savings is this weekend - here's a short sounder for it!
For Friday, March 7.
Funny fake sponsorship announcements
It's A & M's biggest sale of the year - followed by ten months of "meh."
For a little peace of mind.
For Friday, February 28.
Pre-produced ready-to-use show bumper donuts
Big Al has a cavity ... where his brain should be.
Are you one of the 30 million gov't workers who just got fired?