A Welsh woman is in court for sending videos of herself breaking wind to her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend. Rhiannon Evans, 25, of Caernarfon, Wales, is believed to be the first person to ever face charges for cyber-farting. The victim claims the videos caused her distress and anxiety. The prosecutor described in court how Evans filmed herself “placing the camera on her bottom and passing the gas.” She sent three videos on December 22 and another four over the next few days, including on Boxing Day (the day after Christmas) and New Year’s Day. The defense lawyer explained that Evans’ boyfriend is having issues with his ex regarding child visitation. Evans was fined £300 ($373), including £100 ($124) compensation for her victim and £199 ($247) for court costs, and also given a two-year restraining order preventing her from contacting her victim.
* A pretty fair judgment, in the end.
* She was ordered to pay tout suite.
* She sends a VIDEO of farting, but the stink fills HER house. Dumb!
* What about the boyfriend? Was he her partner in crime? Was he her fartner in crime?
* We can only hope cyber-farting doesn’t become the next TikTok challenge.
* This story brought to you by Beano.


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