A wanted suspect in Lubbock, Texas, was captured by a police robot. Felix Delarosa, 39, had barricaded himself inside a Days Inn motel room, when he was struck by a sheriff’s office sniper. Police then sent a bomb squad robot in to spray tear gas through a broken window. Delarosa first fired a shot at the robot and then threw bedding over it to block the gas from coming into the room. The robot arm tossed off the sheet and then ran over Delarosa, pinning him to the ground outside the hotel room. He eventually surrendered.
* Maybe not as cool as Robocop, but it got the job done.
* “You have five seconds to comply, or I will sit on you.”
* In jail: “Hey, Delarosa, what’s with the tread marks on your chest?” “Shut up.”
* This is fine but when are they going to start rolling out those Boston Dynamics robot dogs?
* Let’s pause for a moment in sympathy for the next person to get that Days Inn motel room.


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