At Purdue University in Indiana, the Boilermakers played their football season opener on August 1st. There was a promotional contest – a student was selected to try and kick three field goals in 30 seconds. If they did, they would win a two-year car lease. With a crowd of nearly 60,000 people cheering him on during a timeout, Zachary Spangler made successful kicks from 20, 30 and 40 yards on Rohrman Field. However, five days later the student was informed that he had actually lost. In an email to Spangler, an official from the dealership said their insurance company reviewed video of the event and his “40-yard field goal was not kicked in time by five one-hundredths of a second.” The dealer, Rohrman Automotive Group – whom the field is named after – told the kid he’d get a $250 consolation prize. But, intense public criticism forced Rohrman’s hand, and Spangler was offered the original lease deal or $5,000 in cash. School officials say the competition would have different rules in the future to avoid this issue.
* One of the new rules: No Jerk Car Dealership Sponsors.
* Rohrman Automotive: We treat every customer like a college student contest winner.
* But just look at all the great publicity they’re getting now for a lousy $5,000!
* Take the five grand and go buy an e-bike, kid. You’ll be better off.


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