A California couple driving east on the 91 Freeway in Riverside spotted a kitten stranded on the westbound side. The couple, both in their 20s, made a quick decision to rescue it. They took the next off-ramp and circled back, slowing to about 30 mph in the HOV lane with the car’s flashers on. The woman, who was driving, slammed on the brakes and stopped, pulling as far out of the carpool lane as she could. The man jumped out, took off his shirt and scooped up the kitten. But then a car coming up behind them didn’t brake in time and swerved into the center divider, heading right toward the man holding the cat. He jumped over the wall, losing the cat. The driver then swerved the other way, clipped the bumper of another car and careened across all lanes of the freeway, hitting a tractor-trailer. No one was seriously hurt, but one person was taken to a hospital for treatment of minor injuries. The semi drove off, apparently unaware it had been hit. The cat escaped alive.
* And on it’s little notepad, it crossed out “26” and wrote “29.”
* Not only do they try to kill us in our houses, now they’re getting us on our highways.
* Folks, don’t stop in the middle of a highway to catch a cat. Park on the side and shake a little bag of cat treats.
* To top it off, while the man was holding the kitten, it peed on his shirt.


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