A group of 15 hikers on an office team-building retreat left one of their own on a mountain overnight. The group was hiking Mount Shavano in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. The group had reached the mountain ridge – except for one man, who was behind but decided to continue to the ridge on his own while the others returned down the trail. During his descent – which began around 11:30 a.m. – he became disoriented. When he looked for trail markers that had been left in a boulder field, they were gone. The group had picked up the markers on their way down, so as not to litter. He eventually realized he was far off the trail, so he messaged his co-workers who told him to climb back up and start again from the top. By 4 p.m. he sent another message to his co-workers saying he was near the trail, but a strong storm with freezing rain and high winds moved in, causing him to lose cell service, and he became disoriented again. A search and rescue team was called. Teams searched the mountain all night to no avail, but finally, at 10 the next morning, the hiker regained cell service and was able to give rescuers his location.
* Usually if you’re fired they just tell you to go clean out your locker, but this is brutal.
* Who designed this team building exercise – Charles Darwin?
* They removed the trail markers on the way down, so as not to litter. Plus, they hated the guy.
* When he got back to work Monday morning they heard him shout, “Who parked in my spot? Hey, where’s my desk calendar? Who took my stapler?!”
* Maybe it’s time for their office manager to explain the concept of “team” again.


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