In Brooklyn, New York, a 9-year-old boy who headed off to school at 7 a.m never made it. Police were called to the scene, and a search began. Chopper 2 from New York’s CBS affiliate took to the skies to search. WCBS-TV chopper reporter Dan Rice very soon spotted the boy sitting on the rooftop of the family’s building, looking at his iPad. Rice called the police, who went up to the roof and retrieved the boy and his computer and his book bag and took the child down to his mother.
* It’s getting harder and harder to cut school these days, isn’t it.
* Kid’s got a good story for “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” now.
* WCBS-TV News, Number One in snitching!
* What do you suppose the difference in price is between a police search including an emergency helicopter flight, and an Apple Air Tag in the kid’s backpack?
* The takeaway for kids in Brooklyn skipping school: Roof – no, Underground parking garage – yes.


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