Vanessa Chaput was out jogging in her hometown of Haines Junction, in Canada’s Yukon territory, late at night with her German shepherd, Luna. She turned a corner and came face to face with three bears – a big male and two cubs. Her dog Luna took off after the two smaller bears, leaving Chaput alone with the male bear – which promptly charged at her. She says it took her head in its mouth and tossed her around. The bear finally backed off when it bit down on her hair clip, and the spring part exploded in his mouth. The bear finally retreated. She called 911 and had a 10-day hospital stay, where she received care for a broken arm, as well as upward of 30 stitches on her head, back, arm, and ear.
* All you joggers out there must be thinking: Where can I get some of those poorly-made hair clips?
* The three bears were cranky ’cause someone had been eating their porridge, sitting in their chairs, and sleeping in their beds.
* She’s lucky the bear didn’t bite down on the exploding hair clip and think, “Cool! Pop Rocks!”
* See? Jogging isn’t as good for you as people say.


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