The Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin Police Department pulled over a woman going 60 in a 30 mile-per-hour zone. After a bit of difficulty – she kept taking off and then stopping again – they arrested 35-year-old Mallory Griffin. Back at the police station, an officer asked if she had any bruises. Griffin said, “Do you want me to get undressed? Do you want to see it?” Then she started doing yoga poses. “Can you do what I can do? Can you do this and you’re a cop?” she asked. “And I haven’t worked out in three years.” Police determined she was under the influence of something. She was charged with a DWI and other offenses.
* A variety of charges, because the police were … flexible.
* She was simultaneously well-balanced and a little unbalanced.
* She could be aiming for a stretch in prison.
* What a poser.


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