Nantucket, Massachusetts, Airport Manager Noah Karberg was robbed in broad daylight by a seagull. While Karberg was loading groceries into his car, a seagull swooped down, landed in his shopping cart, and took off with his wallet. “It mugged me,” Karberg said. “It just grabbed my wallet and went.” He had put his wallet and keys into the top tray of the Stop & Shop cart. As he walked around the car to open the door to load the groceries, the gull struck. He chased the seagull across the Stop & Shop parking lot, over a fence, and onto the roof of the neighboring car wash. He watched as the bird pecked at the wallet. Some cash came out and flew away in the breeze. Despite the best efforts of the Nantucket Police Department, Karberg has not recovered his wallet, and the bird remains at large.
* The gulls aren’t talking. Not a stool pigeon among ’em.
* As the seagull flew away, it flipped him the bird.
* Keep your eyes open for a seagull pecking at the keys of an ATM machine.
* Hopefully there won’t suddenly be huge purchases of fish on his credit cards.


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