Four Los Angeles County men have been indicted for several armed robberies of mostly 7-Eleven stores in South Los Angeles during a nearly two-month crime spree. They were caught when one of them allegedly posted a photo on Instagram of himself holding some of the stolen cash. Investigators discovered an Instagram post of one of the suspects, Jordan Leonard, who posted a photograph of himself on Instagram holding stacks of cash stolen the same day from a 7-Eleven store in South Los Angeles. He captioned it “love my bros we go hit every time.” He also tagged the Instagram accounts of two of the other robbers.
* They should also charge him with felony abuse of grammar.
* He posted on Instagram ’cause he didn’t have any business cards to leave at the crime scene.
* Sometimes you should just stick with pictures of the food you’re about to eat.
* They could save a step and use that picture as his mugshot photo.


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