Ninety giant African snails were confiscated by US Customs and Border Protection at the Detroit Airport. An odd odor coming from a passenger’s bag tipped off agriculture specialists. The passenger was arriving from the West African country of Ghana. The African snails – ranging from 3 to 6 inches long – were subsequently seized, according to customs agents. The Giant African land snail is one of the most damaging snails in the world because they consume at least 500 different types of plants, can cause structural damage to plaster and stucco, and can carry a parasite lungworm. They grow up to eight inches in length and more than four inches in diameter. It is believed the snails were intended to be eaten.
* Boy, airplane food has really gone downhill.
* Unless they were being flown in to appear as a dinner in the next season of The Bear.
* “Please, these are my emotional support snails! This is Charlie, this is Anna, this one is Lester …”
* I guess when it comes to bad odors from luggage, this could have been much much worse.
* It’s lucky they caught the snails. The TSA was having trouble keeping up with them.


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