In Wilkins Township, Pennsylvania, a house was hit by a car. Actually three cars. A man up the hill was loading a car onto a trailer that was attached to an SUV. That’s when the brake on the SUV gave out and the whole shebang – the SUV, the trailer and the car on the trailer – rolled about one thousand feet down the street, smashing into seven parked cars before crashing into a house, also hitting a car parked next to the house. Said Wilkins Chief Jason Davis, the situation could have ended a lot worse.
* How? How could it have been worse, Chief Davis? Ten cars, a trailer and a house. And probably a flower bed or two.
* The only reason it wasn’t worse is because it wasn’t Chief Davis’s house.
* The brake on the SUV went out, and it was all downhill from there.
* They’re using the neighbor’s doorbell camera footage to make Fast & Furious 11.


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