Edward Kang, a 20-year-old gamer who lives in New Jersey, has been arrested for allegedly flying to Fernandina Beach, Florida, to attack a fellow gamer with a hammer following an “online altercation” that the pair got into while playing the online video game ArcheAge. The victim’s stepfather was awakened in the middle of the night by screams for help, and he found his stepson on the ground in a physical struggle with Kang, who was wearing all black clothing, gloves and a mask, and carrying a flashlight and a hammer. Kang had walked into the unlocked house late at night and waited in a hallway to attack the victim when he took a bathroom break during a late-night gaming session. The victim suffered severe but non-life-threatening head injuries. When Kang was asked why he did it, he stated that the victim “is a bad person online.”
* There aren’t enough hammers in the world to take care of all the “bad persons online.”
* The victim might be a “bad person online,” but Edward Kang is a bad person in the real world.
* Usually gamers drink energy drinks, they don’t get hammered.
* Who would do something that crazy? Fly in an airplane these days, I mean.


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