A wealthy couple is accused of poisoning their neighbor’s trees to improve their million-dollar view of Maine’s Camden Harbor. The alleged poisoners are from Missouri. Their vacation house is up a hill overlooking the harbor and the Atlantic Ocean, but apparently the view is not good enough – there were two old oak trees in the way. The woman, Amelia Bond, brought herbicide from Missouri in 2021 and applied it near the oak trees. When the trees and other vegetation began dying, Amelia pointed out to the property owners that the trees didn’t look good and offered to share the cost of removing them. THAT was the fatal flaw in their plan. Instead, the neighbor had her trees tested, revealing the poison. The Bonds were made to pay more than $1.7 million in fines and settlements, but the trees are now gone and the harbor view from the Bond’s home is improved. But the herbicide now has leached into a neighboring park and beach, leaving the Bonds on the hook for further environmental monitoring and remediation. In addition, the Bonds are no longer members of the Camden Yacht Club.
* “The name is Bond … Dickwad Bond.”
* I’m sure it seemed like a good idea at the drunken time.
* So, the opposite of tree huggers.
* Just like the rich: plenty of money but too cheap to hire a henchman to pull off the crime.


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