In Seattle, Washington, a man became irate when he heard how much his drive-thru coffee was going to cost. He started arguing at the window with Emma Lee, barista and owner of ‘Taste of Heaven Espresso.’ Customers tried to step in and talk the man down, but things quickly escalated. He threatened her, and then threw his coffee at her. But Emma Lee was faster and slammed her window shut. Then, she whipped out a hammer, leaned out and smashed it into his windshield. Even with a smashed windshield, Lee said he refused to leave, so she called the cops, and they got him to leave. Interviewed by local news, Emma Lee said, “At what point are we told we’re supposed to just wait for it to get worse?”
* “Barista Vigilantes.” If that were a show I’d watch it.
* She keeps a hammer within reach? Nice neighborhood.
* Usually you go to a coffee place to sober up from getting hammered.
* If only there was some way to let drive-thru customers know how much items cost before they order them.
* If the coffee price made him mad, wait ’til he gets his windshield replaced.
* As the owner and sole employee, I’m sure she reprimanded herself and put this on her own permanent record.


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