A 19-year-old Oklahoma woman fought off a shark attack while swimming with her family in Galveston, Texas. Damiana Humphrey was on vacation with her family and swimming in waist-deep water when a shark – about four or five feet long – latched on to her hand. She started punching it. Damiana said the shark released its grip and swam away after she punched it, and she and her siblings quickly got out of the water. Damiana went to a local hospital where doctors operated on her hand. She suffered four severed tendons, and will take several weeks to heal. Galveston Beach Patrol Chief Peter Davis said he’s seen a few shark incidents and the ones he’s seen were shark bites, not attacks, where it’s a case of mistaken identity where they latched onto a human and swam away. Says Chief Davis, “It sounds like this may have been similar to that.”
* “But we won’t know until we actually talk to the shark.”
* No, honey, you weren’t ATTACKED, you were just BITTEN. Big difference.
* Good thing it didn’t latch on to her PUNCHING hand.
* Mistaken identity? Are we supposed to go swimming with a photo ID?


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