Officers in St. Petersburg, Florida, arrested a man for spray painting a wall. When officers confronted him, he wouldn’t talk. But when told that he was required to identify himself, he told police his name was ‘Mr. Monopoly’ and provided a date of birth of 4/20/1969. He was subsequently identified as Ryan Howard, 33, via his Maine driver’s license. Mr. Howard was charged with criminal mischief and for providing cops with a fake name and date of birth.
* Not identity theft?
* Of all the times for Mr. Monopoly to be caught without a “Get out of jail free” card.
* Then he tried to pay his bail with Monopoly money.
* He was spray-painting on the wall “I Hate Mr. Peanut.”
* Looks like Mr. Monopoly has lost at the Game of Life.
* Remember – if you want to take a Risk, you’d better catch a Clue.


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