A 26-year-old female veterinarian posted this story on Reddit: “A puppy arrived very sick, we did an X-ray, found something obstructing, did surgery, and it comes out to be a thong. We put it to the side. The woman owner eventually shows up. We explained what we found and then she says, ‘a thong?! I don’t have a thong! I never had thongs!’, and then called her husband screaming at him. Turns out he’s been cheating on her and it’s his secret mistress’s thong. That was my first day of my job.”
* Imagine the husband searching the house for the missing thong all this time.
* “Where’s that thong, doggone it?” “Yes.”
* The wife’s yelling at him on the phone while he’s trying to give her a thong and dance.
* “I can’t believe the dog got into that! I put it aside for your anniversary present!”
* Guess he’s … in the doghouse.


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