Monday morning (April 29), a bank robber robbed a Chase Bank in Skokie, Illinois. Police say he entered the bank around 10:18 a.m., implied that he had a weapon, got some money, and left. Police believe he got away on a city bus, Chicago Transit Authority bus #1547 – the 97 route that takes you through downtown Skokie up to Westfield Shopping Town at Old Orchard. You know. It also shoots down Oakton. Police say the suspect was still at large as of Monday night.
* Ah, the glamorous life of bank robbery.
* Police detectives are supposed to pull the CCTV footage all along the bus route, see where he got out, where he went, and catch him. Don’t these cops watch TV?
* “Gimme all your money! Also can I borrow two dollars and 25 cents for busfare?”
* Refuses to pay surge prices for Uber and Lyft?
* This is actually good advertising for the dependability of Chicago public transit.
* Nice to hear there’s at least one shopping center doing well in America.


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