The police in Toronto, Canada, are encouraging residents to prevent violent encounters with criminals by making it easier for them to steal your car. At a recent community safety meeting, Toronto Police Constable Marco Ricciardi explained it thusly: Car thieves that break into your home really only want your car. So, to prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your key fobs at your front door. They don’t want anything else, just the keys to your car. There were 12,024 vehicles stolen in Toronto last year, up 3,000 more than the year before.
* And with this idea, they’re hoping to REALLY boost those numbers.
* You might want to also leave some snacks next to the bowl with the keys in it, in case your thieves are hungry.
* And don’t tick them off – keep the tank filled.
* And here I thought they only wanted the diamonds in my wall safe.
* Remember the Toronto Cops motto: We gave up, and so can you.


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