Two Georgia men have been indicted on federal charges for blowing up a woman’s home, in addition to hatching a strange plot to harass her. The woman was involved with either Stephen Glosser and Caleb Kinsey – officials wouldn’t say who it was or what the relationship was – but the two men allegedly set a bomb off at her house in Richmond Hill. The woman and her daughter were able to escape the home unharmed. But investigators also discovered the two men had further plans, including shooting arrows at her door, sending dog poop and dead rats and – get this – “releasing a large python into the woman’s home to eat the woman’s daughter.”
* They also had a lot of other schemes that they got from Roadrunner/Coyote cartoons.
* Well, they do say that starting a hobby after breaking up can help take your mind off it.
* There are bad breakups, and then there’s this. I guess a simple “I hope we can still be friends” wouldn’t work here.
* Oh, to be a fly on the wall at the meth-influenced meeting that came up with THOSE plans.


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