A woman named Stephanie Murphy went on TikTok to claim that her daughter’s new Easy Bake Oven toy nearly poisoned the family. It started when Murphy’s 8-year-old daughter plugged in the toy. She noticed an odd smell, her dad said it was probably just the heating element burning something off, and soon the smell went away. The daughter mixed up a little red velvet cake, put it in the Easy Bake. Twenty minutes later they took it out and saw it was not fully cooked. They figured the toy was trash and unplugged it. About 45 minutes after that, the daughter started complaining of chest pains and having trouble breathing. Testing her with a pulse oximeter, the daughter’s oxygen level was very low. On the way to the ER, both mom and dad noticed they were having trouble breathing, too. Doctors diagnosed their condition was from “carbon monoxide poisoning.” Mom & dad were treated and released, but their daughter spent two days in Boston’s Children’s Hospital. Murphy related the experience on TikTok, and at least one other mother shared a similar experience, writing, “My daughter and I got so sick when we used her Easy Bake – headache, nausea, vertigo. We never used it after that, it’s still in my garage.” When they complained to Hasbro, the company issued a statement saying, “Hasbro takes all product safety concerns seriously. Hasbro’s Easy Bake Ovens meet or exceed all applicable safety standards.”
* Especially if you’re from Neptune and breathe carbon monoxide.
* But the cake — what happened to the cake? Priorities, people!
* Next time, buy her a safer toy, like a blow dart gun or a trampoline.
* It’s the worst home food prep accident since the killer Crock-Pot on “This Is Us.”
* An Easy Bake Oven used to be a 25-watt light bulb in a metal box. This is like catching a urinary tract infection from a wiffle ball.
* Knowing now what can happen, can the Easy Bake Oven handle cremations?


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