A Florida man showed up at HCA Florida Memorial Hospital after experiencing severe pain and nose bleeds. The on-call ENT took a look and found dozens of living, squirming parasitic larva living in the man’s sinuses. The doctor removed over 150 of them, saying some of the larger ones were as big as the end of his pinky. It had gotten so bad that the larvae had burrowed into other tissues inside his head, against his skull base, right under the brain. The patient said he had a compromised immune system after getting a tumor removed 30 years ago, which possibly contributed to the infestation. Typically, the body’s immune system keeps parasites from attaching themselves to you. The man was an avid fisherman. It was believed he picked up the parasites from handling a dead fish.
* Say it… SAY IT: Handling a dead fish AND THEN PICKING HIS NOSE!
* Sounds like they’ve been having some tasty fish dinners at HIS house.
* “Honey, are boogers supposed to wiggle around like this?”
* “I don’t know. Are CAPERS supposed to wiggle around like this?”
* 150 little wriggling larva up a fisherman’s nose. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? BAIT!


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