An Illinois man won a $1 million lottery jackpot just three days after breaking up with his girlfriend. The unnamed Chicago-area man told Illinois Lottery officials he was headed for a disappointing Valentine’s Day because he broke up with his girlfriend three days before he bought the winning ticket. Said the winner, in a perfectly ordinary statement because this is the way people talk naturally: “You can say I haven’t had much luck in the love department but that’s alright, because now I really hit the jackpot!”
* And because he broke up before Valentine’s Day, he’s also a couple hundred bucks ahead in addition to the million.
* He’s about to have better luck in the love department. Or something so close it doesn’t matter.
* Sometimes moving on isn’t as hard as you thought it was going to be.
* “Roses are red, violets are blue, I won a million bucks, who needs you?”