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It's about time kids learned about a balance sheet.
Headline two words too long.
a.k.a. Revenue Producer of the Year.
Premiering Thursday through Sunday
I reckon.
Big fan.
No Dollywood jokes, please.
The main categories.
Premiering Monday through Wednesday
Ya THINK maybe the sound is a little too loud?
It's an honor, and quite a haul, just to be nominated.
Premiering Thursday through Sunday
The whole tooth.
A whopper of a tale.
It's an ill wind that blows.
Whiz kid.
Someone had a chip on their shoulder.
Sitting in your car is NOT being "in line, sir."
Where can I get a 6-year-old?
For winning the 4 Nations tournament.
What's your hang up?
The kid's nuts.
Science marches on.
Bass cleft.
Gulping the guppy.
Shock and awe.
Why buy a cow when you can get the milk for free, from under the sink.
"She keeps eating MY food."
There's never a dumb time for Dumb Headlines!
Yeah, it's the job's fault.
Thank you, Elon, for making this necessary.
Pack a picnic.
Starts Friday, March 7 in theaters.
Starts Friday, March 7 in theaters.
Starts Friday, February 28 in theaters.
Starts Friday, February 28 in theaters.
Starts Friday, February 28 in theaters.
Starts Friday, February 21 in theaters.
Starts Friday, February 21 in theaters.
Starts Friday, February 14 in theaters.
Daylight Savings is this weekend - here's a short sounder for it!
For Friday, March 7.
Funny fake sponsorship announcements
It's A & M's biggest sale of the year - followed by ten months of "meh."
For a little peace of mind.
For Friday, February 28.
Pre-produced ready-to-use show bumper donuts
Big Al has a cavity ... where his brain should be.
Are you one of the 30 million gov't workers who just got fired?
For Friday, February 21.
Funny fake sponsorship announcements
If Big Al's wearing a cowboy outfit, is he ranch dressing?
Located next to the Urgent Care building.
For Friday, February 14.
Sexy shopping for Valentine's Day!
Ready-to-use show bumper donuts