An Indian woman who was thought to be dead woke up moments before she was about to be cremated. Bujji Aamma, 52, from Berhampur, India, was severely burned in a fire in her home. She was treated at a hospital and she returned home where she remained in a bad state. A few days later she didn’t open her eyes, and her husband believed she was dead. He arranged for her to be taken to the cremation ground in a hearse. A woman at the cremation saw Mrs. Aamma open her eyes and was a bit shocked. The driver of the hearse was called back to collect her, living and breathing, and she was taken home in the same hearse.
* Not so much a delivery as a nice little tour of the city.
* She may not have been cremated, but she was still pretty burned up about it.
* “Bujji! How was your day?” “Not so hot – luckily!”
* Question: On the way home, did she ride in the back, or did she ride shotgun up front?
* The hearse driver dropped her off and said, “Do you want my card?” and the husband said, “Naw, I got you on speed dial.”


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