A new spa has opened in Atkinson, New Hampshire, catering to “diaper-wearing” adults who want to role-play as young children. “The Diaper Spa” says it is a “safe and judgment-free zone” for visitors (* Oh, I’m not so sure it’s ‘judgement free’) to pamper themselves with “snacks…playtime, story time, nap time, cuddle time, changing time, coloring, nursery rhymes and sing-a-longs,” according to its website. (* Wait – did you say ‘changing time?’) Services include an “Adult Baby-Diaper Lover” (ABDL) nursery spa care at $300 an hour, or an all-day “premier spa experience for $1500.” Spa owner Dr. Colleen Ann Murphy, an integrative medicine physician and sexologist, explained that her spa is meant to be a place of healing for people who’ve experienced trauma. She says, “A lot of times it’s childhood trauma when they were in diapers or just getting out of diapers and they want to feel that safety that they had before that.”
* (to member of your morning team) “_____, why are you googling directions to Atkinson, New Hampshire?”
* These aren’t rug-rats, they’re more like rug-manatees.
* The worst part of the Diaper Spa? The strained peas.
* If I want to see a bunch of diaper-wearing adults acting like babies, I turn on C-SPAN.
* Charging $300 and $1500 to satisfy peoples’ fetishes? It’s like taking candy from a baby.


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