A semi-truck collided with a home in Franklin, Pennsylvania. Homeowner Jason Eidem says this is nothing new – it’s happened over 50 times since he bought the house eight years ago. The house is very, very close to the corner of the intersection. The corner of the front porch is about 6 feet from the roadway. When large trucks make the tight turn, many of them don’t swing wide enough and the back of the trailer goes off the road, hitting the home. Despite installing large concrete blocks next to the house, despite officials designating the road a no-truck road, it still happens.
* Did Mr. Eidem ever wonder why he was able to buy the house for 50 bucks?
* Sadly, his homeowners insurance is $25,000 a month.
* 49 hits, it’s a tragedy. 50 hits – now he’s just being an attention whore.
* Why doesn’t he team up with one of those online gambling companies, take bets on when the next hit will be, make some real money and move away from there?
* Hey, Jason: Road + land mines = no more truck hits.