A Subway customer allegedly threw a sub at a store clerk because the sandwich wasn’t cut in half. Alberto De Barros, 54, was arrested for battery following a night-time confrontation at a Subway shop in Stuart, Florida. Subway worker Cassandra Pierre-Louis said De Barros “became upset with her after finding out that his sandwich was not separated,” and became disruptive, throwing the sub, which struck Pierre-Louis in her mid-section.
* Mid-section – so, the part of the body the sub goes to when you eat it.
* It’s lucky he didn’t order the club sandwich.
* The sub had everything on it, including a little topspin.
* There hasn’t been a sub launching this wild since the USS Iowa last summer.
* The alternative would be to say “Excuse me, would you please cut this sandwich in half?” But that would be CRAZY!
* Could have been worse, he could have forced her to eat it.
* Great. Now when he goes to Subway, he’ll take along a butcher knife.


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