In Orange County, Florida, Amanda Brochu had her entire driveway stolen. Brochu put her home up for sale in early December. Soon afterwards, several people identifying themselves as contractors stopped by the home to measure the concrete slab driveway. She doesn’t know why they came. One told her he was hired by a man named Andre to do an estimate. She called Andre, and Andre told her it was a mistake with the address. But the following week, Brochu’s entire concrete driveway went missing. She has a replacement estimate of $10,000 – which she doesn’t have – and is ready to move into her next house as soon as she sells this one…as soon as it gets a driveway.
* I bet Andre could sell her one – some assembly required.
* Why does this woman need a house if she’s never home long enough to notice someone stealing her driveway?
* And I thought porch pirates had a lot of nerve.
* Yeah, some crooks start out stealing driveways. Next thing you know, they’ve worked their way up to highway robbery.


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