The Klamath Falls, Oregon home where a man allegedly imprisoned a kidnapped woman in a makeshift cinder block cell is owned by the city’s mayor and her husband. The suspect, Negasi Zuberi, 29, faces federal charges after he allegedly picked up a woman, who is a sex worker in Seattle, on July 15, restrained her in the back seat of his vehicle with handcuffs and leg irons, then drove her approximately 450 miles to Klamath Falls, assaulting her along the way. Zuberi then allegedly forced the woman into a cinderblock cell in the home’s garage, where she stayed until she broke free a few hours later and ran for help. Zuberi was renting the home from its owners, identified in property records as Klamath Falls Mayor Carol Westfall and her husband, Kevin. The couple released a statement via email saying, “We are shocked and dismayed by what has occurred. We applaud the actions of the woman who helped capture this person and prevent him from committing further atrocities.”
* “Also, we have a man coming to look at the furnace next Tuesday.”
* “We are shocked and dismayed that this happened. The rental agreement clearly states no subletting.”
* Negasi Zuberi’s cell will probably be larger than the one he put her in. So not fair.
* This is not the kind of housing problem a mayor wants to have.
* Who DOESN’T want to run for mayor of Klamath Falls now, huh? Your campaign ad is already made for you.


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