In what sounds like fake news, but isn’t – probably – Harvard University will hold a graduation ceremony exclusively for its black student population. More than 170 students and 530 guests have signed up to attend May 23’s Black Commencement event, the first university wide ceremony for black students. The organizers say that the event is a celebration of “fellowship” rather than “segregation”. Michael Huggins, a student who will receive a master’s degree in public policy, says that the ceremony is “an opportunity to celebrate Harvard’s black excellence and black brilliance.” He stressed that the event is not about segregation but about “building a community.”
* Wait, I’m confused. The event is not about segregation but you have to be black to be in it?
* Michael Huggins should do well working in “public policy” ’cause he can already say one thing and describe it as the exact opposite.
* You can argue, “Well, why don’t we just have an all-white graduation ceremony?” but we’ve been having those for 200+ years.
* Next comes the all gender-fluid exclusive ceremony. Mark my words.
* Here come the equal protection lawsuits in 3 … 2 …1 …


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