In yet another horror story about the state of commercial aviation – United, again – a nurse from Kansas City says she was forced to pee into a cup in her seat because she was not allowed to use the plane’s lavatory. Nicole Harper posted her account on Facebook. It happened back on April 9, the same day that Dr. David Dao was dragged off a United flight because they needed his seat for a traveling flight crew. The plane was approaching a landing. Harper said flight attendants would not allow her to get out of her seat and use the bathroom until the captain turned off the seat belt sign. After explaining that she has an overactive bladder and would either need to use the restroom or pee in a cup, the attendant handed her a cup. Then, attendants “shamed her” by saying they would be filing a report and that she would have to speak to the pilot after landing. She said they also told her they would have to call a hazmat team to clean the row of seats where she had used the cup. She said her subsequent efforts to reach the customer service department at United were unsuccessful.
* At least it wasn’t two women and one cup.
* If she was able to pee in a cup in an airplane seat, I know some people at Cirque du Soleil who want to talk with her.
* I hope it wasn’t a bumpy landing, or they at least gave her some kind of lid for the cup.
* This is ironic, because United is #1 in passenger complaints.
* Terrible timing. Here she was hoping for a big reaction in the media but she was competing against the guy getting dragged down the aisle.
* That wasn’t the same plane, was it?
* We don’t need to go back this far for more airline stories. How about that fight on Southwest yesterday?
* You know what you call the lawsuit from a urination incident? A revenue stream.
* Who are the airlines kidding calling a hazmat team for this? You know how dirty those planes already are.


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