A tattoo parlor can now give you a tattoo that will play sound. (Not really.) Soundwave Tattoos claims to be able to tattoo up to a minute of audio on your body. The tattoo looks like a digital audio wave. A smartphone app, pointed at the tattoo, will play the audio. Below is audio of inventor Nate Siggard playing the tattoo that he put on his own body – apparently it’s the sound of his wife saying “I love you” and his child laughing.
CLIP: Inventor Nate Siggard’s talking tattoo.

* OR – just a thought here – or you could have that sound stored on your cell phone, where the app goes, and just listen to it when you want.
* You realize the music isn’t being put into your skin, right? The tattoo is like a bar code, which your smartphone reads, then your smartphone pulls the audio file from the app’s database and plays it. So skip the painful tattoo and wear the audio wave design on a wristband.
* I see great potential in this. Get one on your butt, and when someone points the phone app at it, it’s makes a fart sound.
* Who’s going to be the first idiot to have the entire theme from The Simpsons tattooed up and down their back?
* What happens when you get old and your skin starts to sag? At first, it sounds like (speak normally) “I Love You!” but twenty years later it’s (in a low voice), “IIII… Loooovvveeee… Yyyooouuuuu.”
* Sometimes an idea comes along and you wonder, “Why didn’t I think of that?” This is not one of those times.
* Let’s focus on getting television on all our devices and work on the sound tattoos later.
* Oh great. Other generations had Edison and Tesla … we get Nate Siggard – the inventor of the audio tattoo.
* I hate to be practical at a time like this, but it could be a good way to store your urgent medical data.
* I’ve heard some music before that tattooed my ear drums but this is ridiculous.


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