Mike and Kelly Brüning, from San Diego, California, were shocked after receiving an anonymous letter from a neighbor shaming them for the size of their home. The couple, who have a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old, have been living in their two-bedroom condo, not far from the beach, for almost nine years. Here’s the letter: “Parent, It’s important that you know that you guys are about the most selfish parents around. Because you like the beach, your boys are trapped in a tiny, one bedroom upstairs apartment. Kids need a yard to play in, A swing set, or trike to ride when they want to, not just when it’s convenient for you. I don’t know this but I doubt that either of you had to grow up under these conditions. SHAME ON YOU.” The appalled parents posted the letter in full on Facebook, where it quickly struck a chord. They received hundreds of supportive messages.
* “P.S.: I also hate the color.”
* Kids need a yard to play in, a swing set or a trike? No they don’t. They want smartphones, tablets, a PS4 and an X-box.
* That’s the new court of public opinion, right? A post on Facebook.
* They’re the most selfish parents around because they live by the beach? Hey, I could live with that kind of shame.
* At least it’s not one of those new “tiny houses” the size of a refrigerator carton.
* There’s got to be an ulterior motive here – even for today’s times this doesn’t make enough sense.
* “P.S. If you’re looking to sell your home, please contact me.”
* I’m busy trying to figure out why the emails were on Huma’s computer and why she would share the machine with Weiner. I don’t have time to wonder about this.
* PHONE TOPIC: Did you grow up in a cramped home? Did you mind it?


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