A science-themed YouTube channel called Reactions recently posted a video titled “How Much Candy Would Kill You?” High enough doses of sugar will do you in because of its toxic effects on the body. Studies have been done on rats, and these guys have taken that information and extrapolated it up to humans. The numbers are based on the affects of a fun-size piece of candy – 9.3 grams of sugar/75 calories – eaten by an average person who weighs 180 pounds.
– The average number of fun-sized chocolate bars a human can eat in one sitting before they die is 262.
– The number of candy corns that will kill you is 1,627.
* Challenge accepted!
* When you’re dying from fun-sized candy bars, is it really still fun?
* I think the fun would start to taper off when your heart began missing beats.
* Of course, if you don’t want to go through all this, you could just choke on the candy.
* Pretty good build up, fellas, but could have used a little more in the results department. I mean, Reese’s Cups – I REALLY NEED TO KNOW what’s the limit.
* Another way candy can kill you is if you just hand out mini Tootsie Rolls for Halloween, a kid could stab you for being cheap.
* Why aim the study at people who only weigh 180? That’s not realistic.
* Especially if they eat a lot of candy.
* This brings to mind our wacky news food ranking system. See, we believe each item of food should be labeled with how long you’d live if this was all you ate.
* Here’s an example of how it works: Big Mac … 2 months.
* Halloween candy … three weeks.

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